
The PTA helps Valley Creek Elementary purchase field trips, class shirts, technology, programs, and materials that are not in their school budget. 

How it's done...

Teachers, families and local businesses work together to accomplish these goals by:

  • Eating out on Spirit Nights (Restaurant nights)
  • Buying Spirit Wear
  • Donating online
  • Saving and bringing in Box Tops for Education
  • Sponsorships from local and national businesses


Thanks for all you do to make our school great!



box tops

Clip & Earn. Buy participating products - you can find Box Tops on hundreds of products. Clip Box Tops from each package. Send the Box Tops to school in a baggie or on a collection sheet. You can now download the app and scan your receipt. Valley Creek earns 10¢ for each Box Top sent in. They all add up!



spirit nights

Restaurant Spirit Night fundraisers are a simple way to raise money for our school. Not only is it a fundraiser, but a great way to build a sense of community and give parents a way to support our school without a lot of fuss.








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